Category: Society


The task of a good consultant should be to improve the condition in which his client is leaving , providing skills, knowledge, content, advice, experiences and many other unique factors that will provide added value to those people in a particular time point. It is important to focus well on the words: “customer”, “people” . The customer must be understood, first of all, as a human being, not only as an organization (at most we will have an organization composed of human beings).

The consultants have to do with people and should remember it a little more often in their professional relationships, often aimed only at the conclusion of a good business and not at solving the problems that plague customers.

But why does a customer contact a consultant?
The reasons could be three:

pre-existing needs : these are old needs that have never been satisfied, are traditional, can be found in many situations and are as valid today as they will be tomorrow.They can include areas such as customer relations, staff and customer retention, defining strategies such as implementing a Quality System, resolving internal conflicts, etc.

Something new to create from scratch : all customers know what they want, but few know what they need to get it. Knowing the tools of Quality in depth often offers simple and affordable solutions for everyone to solve some situations brilliantly without revolutionizing what the customer has already set and often works, even if partially.

The client needs the consultant to help him to anticipate the times and make forecasts for the future : globalization, continuous change, technological innovations, etc. should push any good consultant to predict what his future needs may be, such as – for example – the need to manage teams remotely, outsource some of his activities by choosing valid partners or think of new levels of IT security for process management interior
The real value of a consultant is given by the difference between what the client wants and what the consultant is able to prove that it really serves . For this purpose, the ” weapon ” that a professional should learn to master effectively is a simple question: ” why? ”

” We want a leadership training program. Can you design an ad hoc one? ”
” Of course, but why do you need it? ”
” Once our best men come to take on the job of process manager, their turnover rate inevitably splashes to the stars. Evidently they are not prepared for this job ”
“Yes, it’s a possibility. But the pressure from management increases, these men suddenly find themselves dealing with administrative issues … the reasons for stress and unhappiness could be many and should be investigated properly before setting a corrective action that could trigger the opposite reaction to what we want, do you agree? ”
” Well, maybe … ”
” Well, then my team and I will immediately start talking with your managers to understand the reason for their deep discontent and then we’ll see together how to proceed “.

How to start a career as a consultant

How to start a career as a consultant
Companies know that having all the skills within them is the best thing but they still have an accountant, an occupational physician, a corporate security consultant. The web and advertising are followed by an agency and they call the gardener to cut the grass and prune the trees. If you think companies don’t hire external staff, I have just shown you the opposite. The companies turn to consultants for the most varied reasons and if you think you can make your contribution you are in the right place to understand how to start.

The consultant’s job is to advise. There is no magic formula that makes a consultant better than the others.
How to be a better consultant than others If it is true that anyone can be a consultant for you who wants to start a career in the consulting world, it is better to make a small difference.

When a company chooses to take advantage of an external consultancy it has a wide panorama of choices but it is likely that it will give the job to referenced consultants. For you who have yet to begin it seems that it is already over but I assure you that it is not so: you have to show the customer your passion and your desire to excel . Between an excellent consultant and a motivated consultant many companies prefer the motivated one so for you the way is more than open. When you have made a name for yourself, more customers will come, it’s clear, and you’ll be worried when it’s time. Meanwhile it begins.

Take your nose out of the house and put your ideas to the test .

What are you expert about?
It is highly probable that your training on the subject you are familiar with is far above the average of other people. If you feel competent in any area, whatever it is, you are already a reference for all those people who know nothing about it.

With this consideration on your professionalism, you have to ask yourself a question. I know it is annoying to ask questions and give answers but I assure you that it is not a Marzulliano game and that it is really necessary.
You only have to make a little effort and only once but if you don’t answer the question I asked in black at the beginning of the paragraph you will start limping your career as a consultant so: what are you an expert?

Marketing  - do you know all the best campaigns and new strategies?
Web  - can you create websites and WebApps that make money?
Creative finance – do you know how to make ends meet legally?
Model aircraft  - did you build your drone with Arduino ?

Whatever it is, know that you can be an important resource for someone. Now you need to find your first customer.

What to check before starting
Before going ahead, you need to make sure you have all the papers in order. It is a short list that you should read:

Do you need licenses for what you want to do?
It may happen that for certain topics, qualifications are needed to be able to give advice. The possibilities are 3 but in 2 cases out of 3 you can start working immediately.
– Do we need certifications and do you have them? Set off.
– Do we need certifications and DO NOT have them? I am almost certain that there are courses that will solve the problem and probably also exist in teleformation. Search on Coursera or LifeLearning .
ATTENTION: verify that the course to which you sign up gives you a certificate legally recognized with which you can start working.
If you know areas where the certification for counseling cannot be obtained online, comment on this sentence. 😉

– Do you need certifications? Set off.
Are you updated on the latest news?
If you were an expert on a sector a few years ago it may be that something has changed. Before starting your search for your first customer, check that you are aware of the latest news. A few days online and you will be realigned: Industry Blogs, Discussion Forums, Facebook Groups, Channels on LinkedIn, Quora, Twitter and throw in some Youtube to let your eyes rest from reading.

Also consider sources in other languages.

Are you organized enough?
Do you want to have all the days planned?
Can you manage time?
To begin your work as a consultant at large you must answer “YES” to all 3 questions.
How do you deal with Public Relations?
Yes, unfortunately you read that right. Public relations. It is not possible to start any business by staying in the office to fix the door. You have to go out, meet people and find ways to talk about your work.

While talking about your work, try also to network. Find interesting contacts and engage them in your business so that they can talk about you when the opportunity arises. Public Relations, in fact.

It would not hurt even an advertising campaign and an active presence on social media but I will recommend these aspects in a little while. First of all, go for free and then invest the proceeds of your work.
Have you set any goals?
Another thing to check before starting is your medium and long term goals. Have you fixed them? The reasons for this banality that everyone says and few explain can be found below:
• Achieving goals will be an unequivocal sign that your activity is giving the desired results and a stimulus to achieve ever greater goals.
• The push to achieve the goals will put some pressure on you but it will be a useful pressure to work better and more effectively.

Strong social inequalities

The various statistics, published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics ( ABS ), for example, are generally established at the national level ( National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey , for example), but the states and territories that make up Australia are cases apart that should be studied in isolation because the results differ according to the aboriginal population of each of them.

In 2010, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare [5]  Life expectancy and mortality of Aboriginal and Torres …Aboriginal life expectancy was 11.5 years lower for men and 9.7 years lower for women than for the rest of the Australian population. This difference can be explained by a number of factors, such as the difficulties of access to care due to the geographical remoteness of the aboriginal communities, the various addictions (alcohol, narcotics), the precarious housing conditions (overpopulation, insalubrity, absence sanitation …), desocialization associated with unemployment (only 46% of Aboriginals aged 15 and over are in the world of work, compared to 62% for the rest of the population) and violent behavior resulting in repeated conflicts with the law.

Across Australia, Aborigines represent the poorest population in terms of access to care, despite unanimous recognition by the medical and scientific community of their propensity for chronic diseases: diabetes, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. cancers, among others. This situation is explained by their current lifestyle. It should be kept in mind that the Aborigines were a hunter-gatherer people and therefore had a meat diet (kangaroo meat, emu …) and vegetable (various berries, roots and plants) low fat. Their entry into the modern world has led to a change in their basic food (consisting of junk foodfatty and sweet products), with the repercussions that we know about their overall health and the appearance of chronic diseases. Medical studies have been conducted on the impact of dietary modifications on this degradation.

This dietary change is not the only explanatory factor. The excessive consumption of tobacco, alcohol and drugs of all kinds, foremost among which petrol sniffing (inhalation of gasoline), are a plague in Aboriginal communities. This growing consumption is accompanied by dramatic collateral damage: health problems, financial, judicial, family disintegration, social disinheritance, unemployment, accidents, violence, premature death …
In 2008, according to a survey published by the ABS [7]  4704.0, The Health and Welfare of Australia’s Aboriginal …, chronic alcohol consumption rates were associated with lower rates of good health ( 35%, compared to 49% for low-risk drinkers). In addition, 17% of Aboriginal respondents over the age of 15 reported chronic drinking, men more than women (20% versus 14%).

In aboriginal men, excessive alcohol consumption and trouble with the law are linked. According to another SBS  survey [8]  4714.0, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander …, between 2003 and 2008, chronic drinkers were more likely than low drinkers (29% versus 15%) being arrested, being formally charged by the police (55% versus 36%) and having been incarcerated at some point in their lives (18% versus 7%). These dependencies impede the integration of Aborigines into the world of work. Added to this is the problem of random schooling: in 2008  [9]  National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social …Two out of five Aboriginal people aged 15 to 24 were students, which is an insufficient enrollment rate that does not allow them to acquire a real professional qualification to find a place in Australian society. The unemployment rate among Aborigines is three times higher than in the rest of the population, and the participation rate of Aborigines aged 15 and over is, let us recall, 46% as against 62% for the rest of the population. the population  [10]  http: // …. As we can see, the social and health differences, despite a certain decline over the decades, are still very marked.

Comparative table between Aborigines and non-Aboriginals in Australia

Source: National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey , 2008.